Move to Montreat

 It was moving day today and I did good. I only cried once when I said a prayer with my family and I dried it up quick.

Of course, now that I'm sitting here with nothing but my thoughts, I'm feeling a little melancholy. 

 There have been so many, many years that I hurt as I watched Connor stand back while others got to play, got the awards, got the compliments, got the recognition. 

Today it was Connor who stepped forward. 

God has given us everything we have ever prayed and that is a very happy thing to praise!!!

Still, isn't it a little sad to know this boy is not going to come bounding down the steps to perform a "match" for me when he is supposed to be doing his homework??

I mean he will probably hold a match now in this 'get up' but he is MUCH too tall for it not to be weird (or more weird).

Today was a good day because my family was together and we made each other laugh.

We laughed at Carlee who takes forever to do anything, and goes at her very own pace no matter how much I yell.  Her pace can't be intimidated. 

We laughed at the fact Connor got a new haircut right before he left for school.
When we told him the cheerleaders were checking him out, he said they would really be into him until he took his hat off.  🤣

We laughed at this picture that looks like Connor and Darren are sending me off to college.

We laughed when Darren fixed Connor's car light.  
Connor: "How did you fix it?"
Darren: "I took three minutes to fiddle with it instead of walking away and calling it a piece of crap."

We laughed when Connor was more worried about the placement of the ping pong set than he was about setting up his room.

We laughed at the fact I make every picture awkward because I'm a midget.

We laughed at the air freshener I bought because it doesn't make him look very masculine (but the room smelled like boy shoes and Carlee kept gagging). 

We laughed at the fact I went into "frenzy" mode. I was afraid that we would not get Connor's side of the room "set up" before the roommates came. So I kept breaking and knocking over things.  I broke this caddy twice before the kids told me to CALM DOWN.


I love this kid!

Who wouldn't want him around all the time??

We are proud of you Connor & remember that you can "Count On Me, Like 1..2..3.."


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