Classroom Place to Office Space

As I walk into my 23rd year of teaching I face a new transition.
I am leaving the classroom and moving into a leadership position.

My new job is - (drum roll) Exceptional Needs Program Specialist
I know the "specialist" part is a reach but hey I'm not one to argue with any title.  The reality is being old sometimes makes you qualified for things.  I've been doing this a long time, not to mention I've pulled my own kids (that require their own support) through the public school maze.  

I really had to pray, pray, pray over the decision to leave my post in 7th grade.  We had a very good working team and I was pretty excited that Carlee would be moving up on my hall. 
Yet this specific position was a need and completely new.
I made my decision prior to Christmas, but I never felt at ease with it until the final three months of last year.  There was a series of circumstances that just let me know that it was time for a change and things would be ok.

So what will I be doing?
I will be working with new teachers, a team to strengthen PreK to grade 12 exceptional needs programs, and with families/ children that need behavior supports.

In short- it's scary but this isn't my first move:


As I've jumped into my workdays and started to sketch out my rough, rough draft I feel a little more comforted.

Here is a video of my classroom to office transition.  It was a lot to try to put 20+ years into containers, I wish I could have recorded all the many things I had from students, but I didn't need to record an hour long video.  

Here is my vid!

Wow, even looking back on this footage at the start of summer, I can tell the year was hard on me.  Puffy skin, weight gain, dark circles, and I think my hair was falling out.  
That was me trying to work two grade levels, travel schools, hold meetings, and keep up with Connor's senior/ tennis season.  At times I would set my alarm for 3:30am to finish paperwork deadlines.
I think I dragged my 6th grader through the end of year but I've blocked most of that out. 😄

May this year be one of positivity and health for everyone! 

Packing Up Things


This is my creative station-
schedules/ visuals/ adaptable books/ tasks/ etc.

     Closets that house my interventions/memories.

After:  No windows but I love it.



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