
Showing posts from September, 2024

Good Bye Summer

Tomorrow is the first day of... FALL 🍁! Another summer has come and gone, leaving behind it's sweet memories. Like my new blogger shares-   this Unbalanced Chronicles is changing but we still have summer.  What is summer without sweet friends? My Hiking Buddy  (OH I have a pedicure buddy too, but we talk so much I forget her picture every time but I will get it one day.) 💅 This summer I have bonded with a new set of friends- Book Club! Book Club ROCKS What is summer without time on the water?? Family Trip #Beachin' Another dance recital in the books! Block Party-  Wishing our buddy back from his International travels. Family Time My Nephew is actually THE SPIDER MAN!!!    And, he has a beautiful sister. Summer is time for creativity. Last high school awards.  My baby is going to 7th grade and she got one of our favorite teachers.  Actually this year all of them are her favorites. #awesome The Last Supper as a family (before you know who leaves us). First Day of College  Takin